Active projects

We are always seeking new opportunities, big or small – here is a list of what we are currently working on:

Donations for Ukrainian Refugees

Donations for Ukrainian Refugees

Facilitating life changing donations for Ukrainian refugees.

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

Partnering with groups to pull girls out of sexual trafficking and facilitate safe housing

Guatemala Agriculture Project

Guatemala Agriculture Project

Constructing a large scale greenhouse and developing an educational program on sustainable farming

previous projects

At Why Not, we allocate our time and resources to any project that will bring the greatest impact,
whether grassroot or global.

We are happy to say all our projects are either self funded or in partnership with groups we trust. Our goal is only to bring tangible change to real people in need.

Mexico house building

Agricultural Projects

Sponsoring Trucks To Deliver Donated Food In Mexico

Orphanage Support Programs

Handing Out New Wheelchairs To The Disabled

Building A Cabin For The Morley Reserve


Historical projects:

  • Coordinating the donation of thousands of pounds of donated food with the Mexican Government
  • Building homes for people who lost all their possessions during natural disasters
  • A new smile for Ken
  • Building a cabin for the Morley Reserve in Canada
  • Sponsoring trucks to deliver donated food in Mexico
  • Handing out new wheelchairs to the disabled
  • Buy flights to bring an elderly woman home to her family overseas
  • Financially supporting our partners in the fight against human trafficking

Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you!

We are always looking for new project ideas or to partner with like minded people.